Sunday, October 28, 2007

Still fathoming fatarus

What is subaltern literature? Literature by subalterns, literature in the language of subalterns or literature with subaltern as subject? If it’s the last two, then Nabarun Bhattacharjee’s body of work is surely enriching the high-sounding, but not-so-well-defined genre called subaltern literature. Fatarus, the nonsensical nobodies, that inhabit some of his better known novels like Kangal Malshat, Fatarur Bombachak and Mosoleum, are a rage among those who get off on counter culture. I like reading fatarus. On a bad day, or at a dull moment, they bring a smile. It’s encouraging to know that you can write like that and still get published. Gutter-speak has its charm. I have attempted works of Bengali scheduled caste writers penning their caste consciousness. Most of it is unreadable. My academic acquaintances tell me there are some that make sense. Have to check that out. In the meantime, I will continue fathoming fatarus.


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