Thursday, October 25, 2007

Can the subaltern squeak?

Squeak? The subaltern can shout, jump, thrash, bang and gang bang. I know, I know, bad language. And so disrespectful towards women and all that. Blame it on Nabarun. Reading another of his nonsensical novels. Murakami can wait. The guy never fails to amaze me whenever I pick him up. It’s difficult to find him though. They don’t sell him in Mumbai. I doubt whether they sell anything written in Bong in Mumbai. And from what I hear they don’t sell him much in Kolkata any more. The neo capitalists, Budhhababu and his commie cronies, don’t like him very much I am told. Can’t blame them really, Naburun’s fatarus are out to harm the commies and the corporates alike. For the uninitiated, faturus are a bunch of subalterns who have the power to fly. They use it to attack the bourgeoisies. How? They crap and piss on them, beat them up, give gallis. They also smoke up, drink and ogle. They hate the corporate and the corrupt, but love their mistresses. The ones with good racks are always welcome. They hate ostentatious men, but won’t mind the foreign liquor they consume. That’s fatarus for you. Irreverent, irrational, interesting.


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